Validation Methods

Abolish provides 4 validation Methods: validate, attempt, check, test. All with async support.

validate, validateAsyncValidate objects. Go Lang error handling style. No Error thrown.
attempt, attemptAsyncValidate variable, Throw error when validation fails.
check, checkAsyncValidate variable but use Go Lang error handling style. No Error thrown.
test, testAsyncValidate variable, return boolean. true for pass and false for fail.


The validate method is for validating objects. unlike other methods,
it takes an Object of {key: rules} structure as rules.

const data = {
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: undefined,
    referrer: "john"

const [err, validated] = Abolish.validate(data, {
    email: "required|typeof:string",
    password: "required|typeof:string"

console.log([err, validated]);
    // The error object
        key: "password",
        type: "validator",
        validator: "required",
        message: "Password is required.",
        data: null
    {} // validated will be empty when error.
// Assuming password is `password2020` not `undefined`
    // error is false
    // only validated keys
    { email: "[email protected]", password: "password2020" }

Include Fields - $include

From the example above, you will notice that only keys defined in rules are returned in validated. i.e. referrer which is present in the data object, is not included in the returned validated object.

To include fields in the validated object, $include is a super key that lets you define keys you want to be included in the validated object like so:

const data = {
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "password",
    referrer: "john"

const [err, validated] = Abolish.validate(data, {
    email: "required|typeof:string",
    password: "required|typeof:string",
    $include: ["referrer"]

console.log([err, validated]);

    // error is false
    // `referrer` is included.
        email: "[email protected]",
        password: "password",
        referrer: "john"

Strict Mode - $strict

The $strict key is used to enforce that only keys defined in the rules object are allowed in the data object. Should any key not defined in the rules object be found in the data object, an error will be thrown.

To enable strict mode, set $strict to true like so:

let data = {email: "[email protected]", password: "12345"}

let [err, body] = Abolish.validate(data, {
    $strict: true,  // Enable strict mode
    email: "required|typeof:string"

An error will be thrown because password is not defined in the rules object.

  "code": "object.unknown",
  "type": "internal",
  "key": "$strict",
  "validator": "$strict",
  "message": "Data contains unknown fields!",
  "data": {
    "unknown": [

To allow specific keys to ignored by the strict mode:

  • we can either pass them as an array option to $strict
  • or add them to the $include array.
// via array option
let [ err, body ] = Abolish.validate(data, {
    $strict: ["password"],
    email: "required|typeof:string"

// or via $include
let [ err, body ] = Abolish.validate(data, {
    $strict: true,
    $include: ["password"],
    email: "required|typeof:string"


The Wildcard rules * or $ can be used to define rules that will apply to all keys defined in a rules object.

Abolish.validate(object, {
    "*": "required|typeof:string",
    email: true,
    password: true

// will be converted to
Abolish.validate(object, {
    email: "required|typeof:string",
    password: "required|typeof:string"

// With extra validators
Abolish.validate(object, {
    "*": "required|typeof:string",
    email: "email",
    password: "minLength:6"

// will be converted to
Abolish.validate(object, {
    email: "required|typeof:string|email",
    password: "required|typeof:string|minLength:6"


The async method for #validate


The attempt method is for validating variables. it throws an error when validation fails and returns the validated value on success.

it takes the syntax of validate(variable, rules);

const bool = Abolish.attempt(0, "boolean"); // pass
// bool === false
const number = Abolish.attempt("1234", "number"); // pass
// number === 1234

const age = Abolish.attempt(12, "min:18"); // fail
// Throw Error: Variable is too small. (Min. 18)


The async method for #attempt


Check is for validating variables but unlike attempt does not throw an error. It returns a Go Lang error typeof syntax like validate

const [error, age] = Abolish.check(12, "min:18");

// error === {
// key: 'variable',
// type: 'validator',
// validator: 'min',
// message: 'Variable is too small. (Min. 18)',
// data: null
// },

// age === undefined

const [error, age] = Abolish.check(28, "min:18");
// error === false
// age === 28


The async method for #check


The test method does not throw an exception or return an error. It returns a boolean value. If the validation fails, it returns false else true.

Abolish.test(12, "min:18"); // false
Abolish.test("My Name", "minLength:3|maxLength:20"); // true
Abolish.test([], "typeof:array"); // true


The async method for #test

Last Updated:
Contributors: trapcodeio, TrapCode, trapcodeio